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The Benefits of Having a Pet Cat at Home

Ramir Sarmiento on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Having a cat for a pet may not be as popular as having a dog. Most people still prefer dogs to have as pet than cats. This may be because of the saying, "A dog is man's best friend". They may not be aware of the benefits of having a pet cat at home. This article will give you some great reasons why you should opt for a cat rather than a dog.

What most people do not know is that a cat is a perfect pet especially for busy people. It requires lesser work and maintenance. With a dog, you need to be home almost all the time to attend to its needs.

Having dogs require many tasks as you need to potty train them or else your house is a mess. While with cats, all you need to do is to take them for a walk and play with them anytime you want.

Cats are more independent animals and they do not need too much attention. They are naturally sweet and affectionate even if you only spend little time with them. If you are a busy person and is always out of your home, a cat is a perfect companion for you.

Another advantage of having cats over dogs is that cats are more behaved and quiet companions. Dogs are often noisy and loud. There are times that you cannot get a peaceful sleep at night due to their barking. Cats also meow but they do not produce as much noise as dogs do. You can just imagine yourself tired from work and then you cannot get yourself a good night sleep at home because of the noise that your pet is producing.


One of the best things about cats is that they love to stay close to people. Is it not a heart-whelming feeling if you come home and then your cat will welcome you with so much affection by kissing your feet?

Cats are great pets to have at home. They require lesser work and will not give you any stress. If you are working and have a busy lifestyle, a cat is a perfect pet for you. They are more quiet, can take away your stress and are fun to play with. A cat can also be a man's best friend.


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