


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Last time out we looked at Black, in the Scandinavian Defense, trying the old queen/bishop battery on a5 and b4, only to find White sacrificing two rooks by taking the bishop.Today, undaunted, Black switches over to the kingside with the same idea. The big question you have to answer is whether you should take the bishop on g4? Got a plan?


The game went like this--[Kaiser-Benzel, Germany, 1924:] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 4.d4 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.h3 Qh5

See Diagram


7.hxg4 Qxh1 8.Ne2 Nf6 9.Ng3 Black Resigned.

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