


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Today’s puzzle is taken from a new book put out by Russell Enterprises: My First Book of Chess Tactics by David MacEnulty. MacEnulty has won all sorts of awards for his chess teaching and even had a movie based on his efforts with kids in inner city schools. So, this is a welcomed and practical book for those starting out in chess. He covers all the themes of tactical chess in a very ability-appropriate way. If you’re new to learning chess, this is a great starter book after you’ve learned the moves. The position I picked out of the book is the last one, after you’ve gone through all the training. It’s from a Keres-Mecking game in 1972. It’s easier to find if you read the book!


It’s a back rank mate theme with the recognition of the attack on f7. White will mate in several ways or end up a rook to the good with best play by Black—an easy win for White. Being alert to these ideas will vastly improve your chess as a beginner. The main line is: 1.Bxf7+ Kh8 (27…Kxf7 28.Qe6#) 2.d7 Qxd7 3.Be6 Qd8 30.Bxc8 Qxc8 31.Qe8+ Qxe8 32.Rxe8# Black had resigned after 2.d7


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