


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

The original aspect of this problem is that T.R. Dawson made a Christmas tree out of his starting position, but it’s lights out for Black in six moves.


Were you curious about the symmetry? Is there more than one solution? Here it is: 1.g6 fxg6 2.c6 Kf7 [2...g5 3.c7 Kf7 4.c8Q Kg6 5.Qg8+ Kh6 6.Qg7#]3.c7 Kg8 4.e8Q+ Kh7 5.Qf8 h4 6.Qg7# Although there is symmetry, there is more space on the queenside, so if you try the same plan, it will take eight moves instead of six: 1.c6 dxc6 2.g6 Kd7 3.g7 Kc8 4.e8Q+ Kb7 5.b4 h4 6.g8Q c5 7.Qxb5+ Ka7 8.Qgb8#


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